1. Staffing:1 DSP, 1 CI’s, 2 SIs, 1 WSIs, 2 ASI’s, 1 WASIs,6HCs, 3WHCs, 18 PCs,

  2. 13 WPCs :: Total: 55

  3. Building:Disha Women Police Station, Tirupati is running in a T.T.D., building., Tirupati.

  4. Building:Disha Women Police Station, Tirupati is running in a T.T.D., building., Tirupati.

  5. Vehicles : 1 Mahindra vehicle for DSP 1 Eco Sport vehicle for Inspector.

  1. Jurisdictional courts and any issues with filling of charge sheets:

  1. IV Additional Judicial Magistrate of First class, Tirupati.

  1. Outsourcing staff utilization:

  1. 2 Data entry Operators

  2. 1 Cyber expert

  3. 2 Drivers

  4. 3 Customer support personal are working under Disha W.Ps., and Command Control.

  1. Disha Patrols: Two Disha force teams are organized


  1. The Family Counseling Centre was started in the Tirupati and it is functioning at New Police Quarters, Prakasam Road, Tirupati to hold counseling between incompatible couples every Wednesday and Saturday and whenever petitions are posted for counseling.

  2. Prof. IV Lalitha Kumari, Dept. of Social work, Cell No.

  3. Prof. T.Seetha Kumari, Dept. of Law, Cell No.

  4. Dr.G.Malleswaramma, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Social works, Cell No.

  5. Miss. S.Vajeeh Bhanu, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Social works, Cell No.

  6. Dr.P.Neeraja, Head In-charge, Dept. Women studies, Cell No.

  7. K.Prameela, social worker, Cell No.

  8. G. Sasirekha, social worker Cell No.

  9. Psychologists – 8,

  10. one SI, WSI, HC, 2 WPCs are attending

Counseling statement at centre and Station:

statement at centre and Station:

Settled Pending

Settled and Pending

CWC Chairman:

POCSO Judge:

Personnel Investigation:

Total Cases:

Compromised Registered Pending