1. Political movements, associations and their activities, especially those of an anti- Governmental nature such as revolutionary or anti-social and terrorist activities.

  2. Labour - The formation and activities of labour unions, labour unrest and all movements directed towards strikes.

  3. Suspicious activities of Foreigners.

  4. Anti-National activities likely to affect the safety and security of the State.

  5. Loyalty and reliability of Government servants.

  6. Information regarding newspapers and periodicals newly started in the district, their political complexion, attitude to corrupt events and degree of restraint in language and acceptance of news.

  7. Rumours likely to disturb the public peace and any other matters of interest regarding the social and political conditions of the people.

  8. To cover public meetings, processions, demonstrations, dramatic performances and the like, where the proceedings are likely to be of interest from the political or security angle and promptly report the proceedings, speeches and other matters of importance.

  9. To watch the movements and activities of political and Foreign suspects and to exercise surveillance over them.

  10. To discover the existence of any strong wide spread popular feeling on political, social, economic or religious affairs and other matters of importance and to report about it promptly.

  11. To report the circulation of rumors, news, letters, posters, leaflets etc., likely to disturb the public peace or to create disaffection, communal strife or disturbances.

  12. To assist the local police in obtaining information on Special Branch Matters.

  13. Surveillance of political suspects, Foreign suspects, spies, agitators.

  14. Conducting of enquiries with utmost secrecy.

  15. Verification of Passport and job applications.

  16. VIP Security.

  17. Fairs and festivals.

  18. Religious and communal activities of political nature, including movements relating to proselytization change in caste, customs and improvement in status and conditions, religious excitement and tensions between sections, change in doctrine and practice; formation new sects.

  19. Collection of information about TabliqJammats

  20. Maintaining of records pertaining to CPI (Maoist) activities.


DSB - 08772289041,

DSP, DSB - 9440796778

Email - sbtirupati7hills@gmail.com